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Target Caps
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Written by TapResearch
Updated over a week ago

Want more options when managing quotas? Using the cap functionality can help you nest quotas more efficiently.

By checking “Cap” for a quota, you are applying that quota to all the quotas in the project indicating that a max number of completes of a certain demographic is allowed. Once you check “Cap” you will see that quota disappear from the feasibility estimate that is because it’s being applied to the other groups.

Capping doesn’t work as a normal target group in our system. It puts a limit on how many completes the whole project can get from a certain population.

In the below example, we have "Age" as a regular target group, but we are capping "Males" at 50. That means we’ll stop collecting "Males" for the project at 50 completes and the rest of the project can only be females. It is called a "cap" because you are capping the males allowed into the project.

Keep in mind that a cap will not ensure that the amount is reached. It’s possible that this project would collect 40 males and 60 females. The cap just ensures we don’t go over that amount.

Note: At least one quota in a project must be not be capped. Why? Because you need one regular target group to have the caps apply to!

As another example, below we are targeting age 18-24 with quotas based on gender. For our particular target, we want to ensure that we don’t collect more than 10 responses from those who make less than $25k/yr.

This setup will ensure we reach 50 males and 50 females in the age bracket but the project won’t collect more than 10 responses from our chosen income limitations.

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