Feasibility is an estimate of how many completed survey responses you can expect. This estimate is calculated by the following:
Cost per Complete (CPI)
Target audience
Length of survey (LOI)
Incidence rate (IR)
Days in field
You can find the feasibility estimate at the bottom of the Respondent Targeting section, once all of the above information is filled in. This estimate will change based on the number of days in field. The longer a project is in field, the more completes the project will receive.
You can also quickly see if your quota is fully feasible by looking at the pricing section. If your project is fully feasible, it will be green. If it is not fully feasible, it will show you the number of completes we would likely achieve from your quota.
Tips to Improve Feasibility
Raise CPI
The cost per complete directly determines how much the respondent is rewarded. Respondents are picking from a wide variety of surveys, so giving a higher incentive will make your survey more competitive and increase feasibility.
Expand the Audience
When possible, open your target groups to allow more people to take the survey. Example: if you are targeting a specific county, consider allowing nearby counties or the entire state to take the survey.
Shorten the Survey
Most respondents access TapResearch on their mobile devices. Having a long survey may discourage respondents from picking your survey. Read more about the benefits of short surveys and how to shorten your surveys.
Improve the Incidence Rate
This is similar to expanding your audience but will involve your actual survey. Making your survey accessible to a broader audience will increase feasibility.
βExample: if your survey disqualifies everyone who does not own a dog, consider allowing anyone who owns a pet.
Feasibility Cannot Be Estimated
Some targeting options will not allow feasibility to be estimated.
TapResearch only provides estimates for feasibility for targeting options that we ask of all of our respondents. Many targeting options are only asked of our respondents when they are actively used, or are asked in some countries but not in others.
Over time, we aim to include additional targeting options in our feasibility estimates!