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Fastpass Placement Enablement

How to get short, highly completable surveys going on your app

Written by Mike Quinn
Updated over 2 years ago

What is FastPass?

FastPass is a new survey-powered monetization format to compliment Survey Wall. It is a single survey placement that you can integrate alongside the Survey Wall or stand alone.

Key characteristics:

  1. Single survey CTA - shows length, payout (topic if we have it)

  2. Entry sends the users straight into the survey (no wall)

    1. Maybe a screener on our side on the way in

  3. Placement can be configured to allow specific kinds of inventory

    1. Max length of interview

    2. Min reward

    3. Target eCPM

    4. Player attributes

      1. When mixed with Custom Attributes

  4. If this is the user's first survey, they will be profiled before being given the survey

FastPass is largely a short survey format but it can be used for any length of survey. If you wanted to allow up to 10 min surveys on a placement, with other minimum survey performance, or user attributes, that is possible as well.

What Fastpass Provides

With fastpass enabled, you are able to show a placement (generally a UI component), only when there is a fast survey available for your user.

What this would look like in your app

Fastpass survey Not available

When fastpass survey is available

Fastpass Enablement

If this is something you want enabled for your account, please reach out to our sales team.

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